Con Dao district is an archipelago of 16 large and small islands with a total area of 76.71km2, located in an area with geographical coordinates from 106°31' E to 106°45' E; from 8°34' N to 8°49' N. Con Dao is located in the Southeast, 90 nautical miles (179 km) from Vung Tau city, about 45 nautical miles (83 km) from the estuary of Hau river (the closest place to Con Dao is Vinh Hai, Vinh Chau, and Soc Trang communes), and 230km from Ho Chi Minh City.
The archipelago was named after the largest island which is Con Lon Island (which is also known as Con Dao). Socio-economic activities take place on this island. Con Dao town is located on the Southeast Bay. Its geographicalcoordinates are 47.570 N, 1060 36'10" E. With 16 islands, the Con Dao archipelagolooks like a paradise in the middle of the blue sea. Con Dao is famous for itsprecious natural landscapes including the blue sea, the velvet sand, the colorfulcoral reefs, the tropical jungle, and the diverse vegetation.
Dai Nam Nhat Thong Chi has mentioned Con Dao under the name Bao Con Lonand Con Lon archipelago, as follows:Regarding the geographical position and setting the way: “To arrive at Con Lonarchipelago, from Can Gio estuary of Gia Dinh province, it takes people a nightand a day by boat. The island is a hundred miles wide. The previous court firstallowed Can Gio religion to control the archipelago, then Vinh Long province wasin charge of managing the archipelago. There has never been the country of BanDong Long near the archipelago. The archipelago is in the middle of the sea. Thesouthern part of the archipelago is near Dong Truc and Tay Truc Islands. In thepast, the archipelago was under the control of the enemy, the Javanese people andthey used it as a den. Every year, they took advantage of the southeast wind to sailtheir boat to Giao Ai districts to pillage, capture the administrative centers, andsteal goods. Not until the period of Dai Viet Nation did we chase them away, and recruited strong men on the islands as a team for strict defense. Since then, theJavanese had not dared to violate our territorial waters, which makes the people’s lives more peaceful.”
Before the twentieth century, Con Dao archipelago was called Con Son or ConLon archipelago by the Vietnamese because they wanted to refer to the largestisland of the archipelago. Researchers believe that the name Con Lon is derivedfrom the Malay word "Pulau Kundur" (tentatively translated as Hon Bi), whichEuropeans transliterated as Poulo Condor in English and French texts. Througheach historical period, the Con Lon Islands had many different names. During theFrench colonial period, it was called Poulo Condor; Under the American period,the name was changed to Con Son province; after the Paris Peace Accords in1973, Nguyen Van Thieu's government changed its name to Phu Hai; In 1977,the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam has decided to useCon Dao as its official name until now.
Con Dao is an ancient land, with recent archaeological findings, the first class ofpeople appeared in Con Dao 4,000 - 5,000 years ago. Those inhabitants had aclose cultural relationship with the owners of archaeological relics belonging tothe Late Bronze Age, and the Early Iron Age in Dong Nai River basin (the Southeast region). Two types of sites were "Dune - Basin" and "Island" on the dunesnear the freshwater basins facing the sea, such as the residence relics in HangDuong, Ho Sen, So Tieu, An Hai Dune, Ben Dam, Hon Cau (Cau Island), MieuBa Dune or the relic of Hai Dang Dune grave (which was a large spherical jarwith a round bottom. In the jar, the dead person was found in a sitting posture withhis goods).… show the feature of the residence and culture of the first owners onthis archipelago in the Prehistory - Ancient History.
In the process of establishing a business in Dang Trong (the South region ofVietnam), the Nguyen lords focused on applying the country's sovereignty overthe Truong Sa, Hoang Sa, and Con Dao archipelagos. During the reign of LordNguyen Phuc Chu (1691 - 1725), Con Dao was managed by the Hoang Sa Team.Failing in the battle with the Tay Son army in 1783, Lord Nguyen Anh withdrewhis army to Con Dao, took 100 families with him, and established the villages ofAn Hoi, An Hai, Co Ong, and Hon Cau. Many years later, poor people in VinhLong, Gia Dinh, Dinh Tuong, Bien Hoa provinces followed a written order ofLord Nguyen encouraged them to set up a business in Con Dao. They wereprioritized by the local government for funding, tools, buffaloes, cows, and meansof transport to the island. Since that time, the work of reclaiming the archipelagoand establishing villages has left its mark in many legends associated with thename of the mountains and villages on this island.
Since the day of establishing Vung Tau - Con Dao Special Zone (May 30, 1979),Con Dao archipelago was officially named after its largest island.Since August 1991, Con Dao has become a district of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province.Since the time the French established the prison, there had been no civilians livingin Con Dao. Excluding prisoners, the ruling apparatus (including their wives andchildren) before the August Revolution (1945) had under 500 people.
Con Dao town is located on a semicircular valley, 8km to 10km long, and 2km to 3kmwide. It faces towards Con Lon Bay (also known as East - South Bay or De LaoBay) and has three sides surrounded by mountains. The second relatively flat areais Co Ong village. These two valleys have flat land, with many low places forminglakes and rice fields. There are no rivers but shallow streams in Con Dao.Agricultural land accounts for 3.2% of the total area and is mainly in these twoareas and in Hon Cau.
Located on the international maritime route from Europe to Asia, Con Dao playsan important strategic role in the international and regional sea trade. To Vietnam,Con Dao is the Southeast gateway of the sea of the southern provinces, locatedright in the middle of the main fishing grounds of the country and very close tothe petroleum exploitation area, so it has a strategic significance in all aspects:economy, society, security, and national defense.Con Dao's climate is cool and belongs to the oceanic climate, which is favorablefor human health. The average annual temperature is 29oC. The rainy season isfrom May to November, and the dry season is from December to April. Theaverage rainfall is 2,220.7mm. In the dry season from November to April, in ConDao, there is a north-east monsoon, which is often called “gio Chuong”. In theresistance war in the past, patriotic soldiers took advantage of this seasonalreversing wind to escape from prison by rafts and went ashore.Con Dao has a 200km coastline, and dozens of beautiful and famous beaches such asRong beach, Dam Trau beach, Ong Dung beach, Dat Doc beach, Duong Beach,Hon Cau Beach, Hon Tre Beach. It also has a healthy living environmentincluding an unpolluted atmosphere, fine golden sand, clear blue water, airtight,and cool all year round (average temperature is about 26 – 27oC). This is a specialadvantage and prospect for exploiting and developing the integrated economy ofhigh-quality tourism and services. This potential opens up an opportunity toattract investment in developing the sea-island economy for Con Dao. Tides,waves, wind, and sunshine are great potentials, which will meet the demand forelectric energy in the future, the demand for electricity in daily life, economy, andnational defense in Con Dao.
Not only the sea, but Con Dao also has a national park with an area of nearly6,000 hectares on the mainland and 14,000 hectares on the sea surface with manyrare plants and animals. Thanks to its nature, Con Dao becomes an ideal resort forthe development of various types of tourism: swimming, scuba diving, visitinghistorical-cultural sites, eco-tourism, fishing, mountain climbing, windsurfing,sailing, skydiving, admiring marine life...
In particular, Con Dao is also a place for people to visit historical sites, a place ofeducation revolutionary traditions, and patriotism. Here, there are many relicsbelonging, for example, Con Dao Prison. It was ranked in 2012 with a totalprotected area of 110.69ha, of which the protected area I is 41.04ha, and area theprotected area II is 69.65ha. Con Dao prison historical relic consists of 20 keyrelic complexes with a total area of 47.74 ha and was recognized as a national historical and cultural relic in 1979; Hang Keo, hang Duong Cemetery - the placewhere thousands of Vietnamese revolutionary soldiers and patriots were buriedduring the tough period of the French colonialists from 1862 to 1975. Each relictrên mảnh đất Côn Đảo mang đậm dấu ấn lịch sử và là bằng chứng của những kỷ niệm đau thương và những biến động trong quá khứ của quân, dân Việt Nam và những người con đất Côn Đảo. Hiện nay, Côn Đảo là một điểm du lịch lịch sử văn hóa . Hàng năm, Côn Đảo đón hàng trăm nghìn lượt khách du lịch trong và ngoài nước.
Pier 914
Not only that Con Dao has strength in tourism, but it is also a fishing groundfor fishery and aquaculture with hundreds of fish species, many of which havehigh economic value. The annual catching output of seafood is about 10,000 tonstogether with many precious products such as bird's nests, tortoiseshells, Oliveridley sea turtles, dolphins, sharks, sea cucumbers, seaweed...In recent years, Con Dao has made great progress in its economy - culture - and society.Con Dao is much more beautiful and modern, the material and spiritual life of thepeople has improved significantly day by day. The road system, Co Ong airport, BenDam port has been invested quite a lot to be upgraded and expanded toeffectively serve the marine economy, tourism, services, defense, and security...and the lives of the people on the island.In short, coming to Con Dao today is to visit attractive tourist destinations of anunspoiled and deserted island. It is a place for those who like to return to theocean, nature, and peace; enjoy the silence of life; temporarily get awayfrom the noise, hustle, and bustle of everyday life; to enjoy the natural beauty andromantic beaches such as Bai Nhat, An Hai, Dam Trau, Suoi Ot, Hon Ba, HonTai, Hon Bay Canh, Ong Dung... Most travel agencies organize daily tours to ConDao nowadays. There are many interesting things in Con Dao that only when youcome here and discover yourself, you can fully discover the beauty of thisisland. When visiting Con Dao, not only can visitors enjoy the beautiful andunspoiled nature, but they can also witness, and be awakened by each vestige of thisisland which is full of relics. The island always reminds people to appreciate thepast and be responsible for things in life. Con Dao - a sacred land - is a destinationthat travelers must not miss. Con Dao district relics and scenic spots include: - 01 special national relic: Revolutionary Historical Relic of Con Dao Prison (with a complex of 20 monuments).
- 03 Provincial relics: So Co Historical Site, An Son Temple Historical Site, Mot Mountain Pagoda
Source: Department of Culture and Sport of Ba Ria-Vung Tau Provice; Photo: Internet and Con Dao - the national tourism area mangement